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Digit Sapiens

A few words about company

They build dedicated teams in Albania in a smart and cost-effective way. Their mission is to make hiring dedicated teams an easy and risk-free process. DigitSapiens actively develops this service, which consists of dedicated teams.

Each team in their company is unique and hired based on the client’s requirements and needs. The team can be scaled to work on additional tasks or projects, and developers work with the client’s company as if it were their in-house team. The client can focus on and control every aspect of their software development. While the client manages and controls the process, DigitSapiens runs the back-office, recruiting, solves administration questions, manages HR processes, accounting, and legal issues.


DigitSapiens offers reliable dedicated software development teams consisting of professionals who integrate with the client’s organization as one unit. They have experience in building successful and productive teams for clients in various domains. Whether the client needs one additional developer to assist with tasks or to build a fully functional software development department managed by a project manager, DigitSapiens can launch one for their business.

No Initial Investment

You don't pay any initial fee. We have taken care of the workspace

Start your team within 1 week

Scaleable workforce with a wide variety of skills to pick from.

No Hidden Costs

You pay for the team in a single monthly with no extra charges.

Agile Development

We prefer working on agile development style.

International Clients

Experienced with international clients located in Germany, Italy, Poland etc.

Great Culture

We celebrate Europan work with ethic and values in every work we accomplish.

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“Medar Shtylla” Street, Kika 1 Complex, Floor 2 Tiranë, Albania

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