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How can you transform something as difficult and sometimes frustrating as a change to another step of growth towards your goals?

The answer is hard if it’s from a personal point of view or a business one.
According to Merriam-Webster, change means “to become different”. Meanwhile, in business, change can be perceived as “the act of transforming the company from where it is now to where it wants to be while supervising the process, tools and techniques to manage the people side of change to achieve an expected business outcome”. Therefore, in order to achieve ever-changing goals, companies should adjust to ever-changing requirements and challenges.
What could be some of the reasons a corporate should choose to change some aspects of its ways? The major reason corporates are choosing new and innovative ways to develop their business is the technological wave that has encompassed any running business today, as no company that aims to become global with growing pressures and competition, can afford to disregard the opportunities that changing technology represents. Another reason relates to cultural and economic change, as in the face of the pressure of an unpredictable and increasingly global economy businesses must figure out how to adjust to constant changes, different courses of action, and current social needs and requirements. As corporates live on, they constantly deal with changing generations, as far as end costumers or employees, each with different cultural values and in order for the companies to thrive despite it, they must learn how to adjust to their circumstances. As any company’s end goal is to serve its products/services user, an everchanging customer is another major factor that should serve as an indicator for companies to alter their overall actions to fit those of the costumers. Customer preferences change on almost a daily basis, thus creating changing patterns that often force companies to modify strategies and methods to address them, usually by becoming innovative or more customer-oriented.
On the other side, in order to match your organization to the change that is happening around it, the most important step is to find the right way to implement that change in such a way that it serves its final goals.

Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.

The steps to take for a successful and healthy implementation of change revolve around:

Define and clarify the change and connect it to specific business goals.
This first vital step is crucial, as it will assist you to determine the value of the change and it presents everyone with a review towards organizational objectives and performance goals to ensure the change will carry your business in the right direction strategically and economically. And the help of an expert business plan consultants is always an important step in defining the long- and short-term goals of a business.

Share the emotional and rational reasons for the change and explain how it will affect everyone included in it.
If your people need to adapt to a new way of doing things, you need to present them with the emotional reasons for the change, so they can truly commit to the transformation and embrace it. Communications in such situations need to target everyone because it is the employees’ emotions that is where the momentum for real improvement ultimately lies. Once teams solidarize with the change, they need to clearly understand what it means for them: the intensity of transformation for each team of employees and a description of the changes each role would need to deliver.

Accelerate the change by investing the company leadership in it and monitor its process.
Considering the fact that people relate to other people as much as they relate to causes, empowering corporate leadership means that by using powerful emotional motivators, push employees to share ideas, and provide recognition that encourages possession of new behaviors, you can push and intensify the impact of the change. Meanwhile, a structure should be created in order to measure the impact of the changes and better understand if the process is running successfully, what could be changed in order for it to run even smoother and if the undergoing transformations are assisting in achieving business goals.

Finally, the answer to today’s world Hamletian business dilemma is: you have to change not only in order to survive but to become better and secure a successful future for your business.

Vigàn Group has a team of expert and highly experienced business consultants to help you draft your business plan in line with your expectations.